According to some recent polling in Colorado it appears that Colorado Amendment 69, which would increase employer paid payroll taxes to establish a new state single payer system, has substantial support and it could pass as an initiative in Colorado.

In addition to the increased payroll tax that it would impose, passage would raise questions about the impact on the state workers’ compensation system. There would be significant transition issues, questions about subrogation, and many issues that are too detailed to be effectively addressed in constitutional amendment language.

If passed, this could become a model for other states.

The Colorado Association of Commerce and Industry (CACI) has taken a position opposed to Amendment 69. See attached analysis  and the language of the initiative.

UWC joined a broad business coalition that successfully opposed 24 hour coverage provisions that were proposed by Senator Rockefeller to be included in the Affordable Care Act.  Although Amendment 69 is a state proposal and not federal, it will be cited as precedent by advocates in other states if passed.

UWC is reviewing Amendment 69 and encourages all members involved with workers’ compensation to review this proposal carefully.